Barikāžu atceres pasākums

27.janvārī Talsu Kristīgajā skolā notika Barikāžu atceres dienas pasākums. Skolēniem bija iespēja atsvaidzināt savas zināšanas par Barikāžu laiku. Nu jau par skolas tradīciju ir kļuvis, ka vecāko klašu skolēni dodas pie jaunāko klašu skolēniem un stāsta par nozīmīgiem Latvijas vēstures notikumiem. Šajā gadā 12.klases skolēni devās pie sākumskolas un 5.klases skolēniem. Viņiem bija sagatavots stāstījums, prezentācija, dziesmas, filmu fragmenti un arī aktivitātes, lai bērniem saprotami varētu izklāstīt nesenās Latvijas vēstures notikumus.

6.-11.klasei šis pasākums norisinājās jaunajā lūgšanu zālē, kur bija iespēja klausīties barikāžu laika aculiecinieces un dalībnieces Ineses Makstinieces atmiņas un piedzīvoto pie Zaķsalas televīzijas torņa.

Pasākums par godu Barikāžu 26.gada dienai iesākās ar Talsu Kristīgās skolas vēstures skolotājas Kristīnes Neifeldes uzrunu. Mūsu zināšanas par barikādēm atsvaidzināja 12.klases skolnieks Artis Einštāls. Kā jau lielākoties visiem zināms, Barikāžu laikā latvieši bija īpaši vienoti un viņi savu vienotību un patriotismu izdziedāja dziesmās. Šoreiz mūs ar savu muzikālo sniegumu – “Palīdzi, Dievs” priecēja divas 12.klases skolnieces – Ivanda Stepka un Agate Kniploka. Arī pasākuma noslēgumā mēs vienojāmies kopīgā dziesmā – “Šeit ir Latvija.”
Mēs esam maza tauta- kartē, bet liela- katra ikviena latvieša sirdī! Būsim viens pret otru laipni, izpalīdzīgi un galvenais, būsim vienoti!

Christmas events

To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, on the 20th of December in Talsi Evangelical Lutheran Church there was a festive church service, where all TCS students, teachers, staff members and students’ parents were gathered. In this church service we heard a story about how Jesus was born, while we also heard school’s musical associations’ performances. Priest Māris Ludviks and the headmistress of TCS, Inguna Gruzniņa, spoke to all the welcomed.

After the church service, in the gym of TCS there was the 13th ceremony of Oscars and the 7th Christmas ball, where students from grades 5 to 12 as well as their parents were welcomed, to end this semester with especially good feelings. There were served awards in 15 different nominations.

“The highest average grade of primary school”, “The highest average grade in high school”, “The sharpest “acceleration” in studies”, “Student’s wittiest saying”, “Teacher’s wittiest saying”, “The most responsive parent”, “The most musical student”, “I had no idea”, “Teacher’s translator”, “Lightning conductor”, “The most positive student”, “The most merciful student” and “My teacher”.

After the ceremony of Oscars, everyone had fun in the 7th Christmas ball. All the participants of the ball received some lottery tickets and at the end of the ball participated in a lottery. The lottery prizes were prepared by entrepreneurs of Talsi and “4:13 Ministries”.

Project “Young – a hope for the future”

Right after the Independence day, from November 19 to 20, project “Young – a hope for the future” took place in Talsi Christian school. In this project, students from TCS Parliament served as christian counselors to twelve children and young people from Dzirciems Boarding and Talsi Crisis centre. Parliament’s members were opened to engage in every talk with the guests and to answer important questions, as well as to strengthen friendship through different games and activities in the gym. On both days there were lectures about topics – forgiveness, love, relationship and friendship. Young people were able to ask their questions to our lecturers – Gita Vadone, Toms Grenevics, Līga Sidere and Mārtiņš Ozoliņš. We want to say big thanks to all the members from TCS Parliament that were ready to consecrate their holidays to come to school and serve. Thanks to Talsi Talsi Region Community Foundation and to Young idea lab for the financial support. We are also thankful that God allowed us to create this project and also to take part in it.

Independence’s day church service

This year on November 17 students, teachers, staff members and parents of TCS were gathered to jointly celebrate the Independence’s day church service that took place in Talsi baptist church. With a patriotic spirit priest Tālivaldis Vilnis spoke to us, but preacher from Uguņciems baptist congregation was speaking to students from grades 1 to 5. Wiewers’s ears and eyes were entertained by TCS blower ensemble and poems that were told by our school’s students. Church was filled with beautiful songs that were performed by TCS choir and other students that presented musical performances. Together we became acquainted with a video for Latvia’s 98th birthday that was made by students from grade 7. Thanks to everybody who set aside some time to be in this church service. God, bless Latvia!

Christmas Card workshop

On the 8th of October at the school’s lobby there was Christmas Card workshop, where 47 creative students and their parents were making cards. Within a few hours more than 200 beautiful Christmas cards were made and now they are ready to travel over the ocean to TCS friends in the USA. Thanks to everyone who found some time to participate in this workshop!